So You Wanna Model?

The Limitless Alliance is hosting a "New You" Photo shoot in March 29th of 2015.
We are currently seeking business professionals, models, photographer and even families that would desire to get New Portraitsand Photos.
Nevertheless this event is designed to launch NEW brands in the local communityas well as the surrounding. This event will have live music, food and photographers stationed around a centeral venue that will allow principles to take varies photos in different scenery and environments.
This is the event of year that will prepare you for the rest of the year. At this incredible event Omarious will be recuiting and scoting models to join varies programs and sign with The Limitless Alliance.
Therefore If you are interested in participating in this event as a model or would just like to take some awesome photos please feel free to Click Here to register or
Visit our homepage at then click So You Thin You Can Model.
If You Are A Photographer and would Like To Participate in This Event Please Click The Address Below And Email Omarious Fann at